Saturday, March 6, 2010

Things I Miss

Things I miss:
1. Being called “Miss” instead of “Ma’am”
2. Seeing my toes when I’m standing up – why do women want breast implants??
3. Going to the airport to get a cheap “spur of the moment” flight to – somewhere.
4. 39 cents a gallon gas.
5. Wind-up toys.
6. Eating a pint of ice cream and not gaining an ounce.
7. Sleeping through the night without having to get up and pee.
8. Reading small print without having to find my glasses.
9. Going just about anywhere on a street car.
10. Being carded when buying beer. I’d love to know what birth year they put in the cash register - or maybe I wouldn’t.

Things I don’t miss:
1. Trying to hide my head in class when the teacher is looking around to call on someone to answer a question I don’t know.
2. Driving in ice and snow.
3. My hair cut to one inch long bangs just before our school picture was taken.
4. Not being comfortable telling someone to “bug off”.
5. Trying to call someone before answering machines were popular.
6. Wearing a paper dress while dancing all night.
7. Being a contestant in a Go-Go contest.
8. Having to eat kidney beans.
9. Learning to drive a stick shift.
10. Being carded going into a club or when buying beer until I was at least 30 – now I miss it :)

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