Friday, January 1, 2010

Signs of Getting Older

I finally realized that things have changed. Now, when I'm ready to go out I'm not as concerned about looking good, as I am about looking "less bad". Looking good seems too hard of a goal.

Age is creeping up on me - well, not as much "creeping" as jogging to catch me as I race walk while putting on my lipstick so it doesn't recognize me as "old". I used to only have to worry about one or two beauty things at a time - making sure my hair was combed and finding the right lipstick. Now I have to figure out why my nicely curled perm has suddenly started looking like a head of cotton balls that got caught in an egg beater. Then I notice the dark circles under my eyes and the wrinkles around my lips. Wait, what happened to my neck? Are those grey hairs in my eyebrows? OK, I'm upping my beauty remedies to three things - tops.

Now when I go out I just choose the things that will let me look "less bad". What I prioritize depends on where I'm going. So, if I'm going to the grocery store I will:
1. Put on a hat;
2. Put on a coat if it's 72 degrees or less; (Sometimes I have to go as soon as they open or just before they close to get the temperature right).
3. Put on eye liner.

If I'm going to the movies, I'll:
1. Run a comb through my hair because I've found that people hate sitting behind someone wearing a hat;
2. Put on a make-up/moisturizer (all in one so it only counts as one)
3. Put on eye liner.

If I'm going to get gas in my car, I'll:
1. Smooth out my pajamas;
2. Run my fingers through my hair; and
3. Put on eye liner.

The eye liner solves two problems. First, if I put enough on, people stare at my eyes and the rest of my face is safe from scrutiny. Second, it usually causes my eyes to water so before long I can't see if people are looking at me. I think I look "less bad" that way.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering the point of the eyeliner. I hope I don't have to be good at putting on eyeliner as I get older. I'm still on the "comb my hair/wear lipstick" phase, but I am wondering about these neck wrinkles. Race walk faster, Shannon!
