Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We love going to the parades in our little town. It's not that they have wildly decorated floats or lots of marching bands, but they do have - Candy! A car, float or even person walking in the parade will get hoots and applause if they throw candy!

I was very happy when my grandson was born a couple of years ago because it looks so much better grabbing the candy off of the streets and from slow-moving children, if you have a baby in your arms. Pointing to the child and to their mouth makes everyone think the candy is for them. OK, maybe not, but they can't help but smile and throw candy my way when I hold up that chubby little angel.

This year he was old enough to go after his own (and our) candy and he was very skilled at it. He would run out quickly, grab a few pieces, rush back to his bucket (which happened to be a 5 gallon can) and then head back for more. If someone in the parade passed without throwing out the desired sweets, he would put his hands out to his sides and with a puckered lip say "Where's the candy?"

It is not as if any of us really wanted all of that candy - except for the Tootsie Rolls, it was more the challenge of getting the most we could get. If the candy was exceptional, one of the adults would almost tackle someone else's child to grab it while apologizing for the need to get a piece of my grandson's "favorite" candy. Oh the web we weave - when it comes to candy.

This year we heard there was an ordnance against throwing beads or candy (which no one adhered to thank goodness) so one float decided to follow the letter of the law - and throw little rocks. We of course, had to pick those up, also. I think that if someone dropped their trash, we would all be scurrying to get a piece.

We do pay our respect to each and every person, vehicle, animal and float in the parade by clapping, because without them, there would be no candy.

1 comment:

  1. Ode to Candy. Amen, sister. Too bad Paxton's bubble fluid spilled all over the candy before we could actually enjoy any of it. I even tried to salvage a piece of gum, but Hubba Bubba that tastes like soap just doesn't do it for me.
