Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Test for Dementia

Just about every day, my brain is tested for dementia, and so far it seems to be passing. My test starts when I have my daily conversation with a woman I know. She's very sweet and likable but keeping up with her, conversational-wise is like making my brain do 100 sit-ups. I know in the long run, my synapses will be healthier so I work hard to keep up.

Here is a sample of the conversation:

"So, Jane called me and said that Sally is back in the hospital and then she fell and no one found her."

"Who, Sally?"

"No, Jane's other sister, Nell."

"And then, girl, do you know what happened? They put her on an IV for 24 hours."

"Who, Sally or Nell?"

"No, Jane."

"Then he just kept trying to call me and I knew it was him so I didn't answer. He's got that problem that he just won't deal with."

"Who tried to call you?"

"Jim, girl."

And no, I had no idea what kind of "problem" he had but I assumed that she thought I knew so I just let it pass. My brain was reaching it's limit.

I don't know if some people's brains are going faster than their mouths or if they expect me to be able to fill in the blanks on my own. I am so alert during our conversations that if someone did a brain scan on me, 95% of my brain would be lit up. The other 5% would be saying "What the heck is she talking about?"

Since I haven't been doing my Sudoku puzzles in months, I consider these conversations an excellent substitution.

I just wish I knew Jim's problem!

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