Monday, May 25, 2009

Traveling with a Dirty, Hairy Beast

Yes, that is how I feel when I travel with my seven pound chihuahua. When I go into a hotel to get a room, I'm asked with disgust "Do you have a dooogggg?" If I were like a lot of people I would say no and then sneak him into my room. But being honest, I admit to my sin. Then, one of two things happen:

1. The front desk clerk says "That will be $20 extra dollars". Why, are they going to have an engraved doggie dish and special treats waiting for us in the room? Not a chance. They just pocket that $20 punishment and give us an awful room. Or,

2. There is no extra charge, but they put us in a room that hasn't been remodeled since the 50's and looks like it hasn't been cleaned since then either. I'm more comfortable sleeping in my dog's crate than in the bed. And don't even think about walking barefoot on the carpet!

Are pet owners really so bad that they have to be hidden away in the room with no number?

The same thing happens when one stops at a rest area along the highway. Each State is a bit different but the majority spend their money on "No Pets Allowed" signs. I have had to walk my dog beside the freeway in the "Pet area" or walk in the wilds of the unkempt spaces on the outskirts of the "good people with no pets" manicured grasses.

I've started bringing a portable table and setting up my lawn chair in the "doggie area" so I can pretend to be having an enjoyable picnic. If I bring my grass shears I might even be able to make the space the envy of the non-dog people, secluded and in the middle of nature - with nicely trimmed weeds and a sprinkling of poison ivy.

The hairy beast I travel with doesn't know and doesn't care where he sleeps or exercises - as long as he is with me. How many non-pet owners can say the same about their traveling companions?

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