Monday, October 18, 2010

Casual Dress Seems to Have its Limits

I have noticed that some people in my town are so chill that they are comfortable wearing their pajamas to the gas station - even going inside to get their large soda or coffee. I have never had the guts to do that but I have taken a baby step by walking my dog in my neighborhood in my PJs.

This weekend, I think I by-passed those PJ-wearing citizens. I was in a Pet Parade, dressed as a bottle of ketchup. I had the whole sha-bang, a large red bottle that covered me from neck almost to my ankles with a red squeeze-bottle hat that made me tall enough to be considered to play with the Spurs. I did have my 7 pound dog with me, dressed as a hot dog, but he wasn't much bigger than a jumbo hot dog, so bareley visable beside the ketchup hulk. The parade was a bit haphazard, with us walking down the sidewalk while people drove past and stared. There were a few other people dressed up but they were more socially appropriate in superman capes and fairy wings.

After the parade my dog and I were - dog tired - and had to drag ourselves the 6 blocks back to the car. This time, there were no other costumed animals - or people around, but it took me awhile to notice. I walked with my head drooping, making my ketchup bottle body look like it had been squeezed by Attila the Hun. My nozzle hat had the crowd parting like it was the Red Sea. Finally, I looked up to stares of people in cars and on the sidewalks who didn't know if they should laugh or run after me with their french fries.

I quickly took off my hat but there was no getting around the big red ketchup tube around my body. I started thinking that it might have been fun to have had the word STOP on me and just run into the street periodically. I might not have gotten respect as ketchup, but I think I would have gotten attention as a moving Stop Sign. I think my dog was reading my mind because he looked at me in disgust - or maybe pity - and quickly started dragging me toward the car.

PJ people - you have nothing on me. Try going to the gas station as a ketchup bottle and then we'll talk!

1 comment:

  1. I'd have more respect for you if you donned the get-up on an average Tuesday, or maybe Easter.
